Weighing ethical considerations
Risking life to improve quality of life
Patient neglect and the subsequent duty of a physician to treat that patient
Risk factors in medical care
The degree of patient responsibility to gain medical care

The infinite value of life
The obligation to preserve one's health
The sanctitiy of life versus quality of life
Determining the moment of death
Terminating the life of a fetus
Premature babies born with serious defects
Cosmetic surgery

Individual and medical accountability
A physician's imperative to maintain life: ethics and legal responsibility
A physician's responsibility to confer with other physicians
The ethical responsibilities of nurses

Organ transplants
Organ transplant: from live or dead donors, from brain-dead donors, commerce in organs
Medical experimentation on humans and animals

Medical confidentiality
Medical confidentiality and genetic disorders: a physician's responsibility to inform a possible spouse
Medical confidentiality and communicable diseases

Test tube fertilization and artificial insemination
Surrogate motherhood
Family planning
Female sterilization: permanent and temporary
High risk pregnancy
Genetic testing and counseling

The unborn child
The halachic status of the fetus and the embryo
Multi-fetal reduction
Use of fetal tissue

Mental illness
The halachic status of a patient suffering from anxiety
Pikuach nefesh and the mental patient

Medical practice on Shabbat
Shabbat and medical treatment
Technological solutions for averting Shabbat desecration

Terminal care
Care for the terminally ill
Right of the patient to know
Quality of life in geriatric care
The halachic responsibility of geriatric patients to perform mitzvot